Did you make it out to Book Bonanza? If so, then you got to experience the “Queen of Awkward Small Talk” live and in person!
Book Bonanza was a ton of fun and the readers who showed up were awesome. Like this couple who dressed up as Reagan and Hadriel! He definitely wins for the best dressed!! Thank you to Heather and her husband for showing up and sharing your favorite characters with us.

In other news, there’s been a major update to the K.F.Breene website! Now you should be able to navigate to the information you need quickly and easily. Just head to the “Where to Start” section and go from there. Not only that but there’s a special spot just for the readers who are waiting for updates on their favorite series and spin-offs. Now you can see which books are next up in the “Release Line-Up” banner front and center of the home page!
In addition to the new website, the Kickstarter campaign for Magical Midlife Madness has had some updates! If you aren’t checking your emails from Kickstarter, you can head to the campaign page for the latest news on what to expect.
So, which book are you looking forward to in the line-up?
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